To obtain a public record, email us at records@putnamsheriff.org or call 386-329-0822.
The custodian of public records for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is Major Johnny Greenwood. You may contact him via the following:
Mail or In Person:
Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, 130 Orie Griffin Blvd., Palatka, FL 32177
For further information regarding handling and responding to public records requests, what constitutes a public record, and copying and mailing costs, please contact Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Records Section at (386) 329-0822.
All Process is handled pursuant to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure as well as, Florida Statute and requires an original or certified copy, a service copy and attachments, Sheriff fee, and best address where parties can be located. All foreign process will be served according to Florida Statute. *A levy will require further documentation.
Civil Fees
(FS 30.231)
All fees are non-refundable.
Summons/Subpoena/Notice of Hearing/Alias/Pluries = $40.00
Writ of Possession/Writ of Replevin = $90.00
Injunctions (Clerk of courts and sheriff's offices please email dvinjunctions@putnamsheriff.org)
*Writ of Execution/Levy = Cost deposit starting @ $3,000.00
($50.00 execution, $40.00 service fee, call for further information)
Personal checks are accepted. Payment must be received prior to service and per FS 48.20.
We cannot serve process on Sunday.
For further information you can contact Community Legal Services at 386-328-8361 https://www.clsmf.org/contact-information/.
Clerk of Court 386-329-7690 http://www1.putnam-fl.com/live/coc
Florida Statute
FS 83 Landlord and Tenant www.leg.stat.fl.us/statutes
FS 509 Lodging and Food Service Establishments; Membership Campgrounds www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes
FS 513 Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes
FS 723 Mobile Home Park Lot Tenancies www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes
Writ of Execution Information http://www.sunbiz.org
Mailing address:
130 Orie Griffin Blvd
Palatka, Florida 32177
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00a -5:00p
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
For further information please call 386-329-0800