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Nov. 17, 2020 - Serial robbery Noe Cruz, 22, of Keystone Heights picked random rural businesses to rob in Putnam, Bradford and Alachua counties. Each time Cruz would wear all black clothing, except for a red bandana and would rob the employees at gunpoint amassing a total of more than $6,000 from five businesses.

Detectives from three counties partnered with Clay when surveillance determined the suspect was from Keystone Heights. Detectives from Clay County obtained a search warrant for the residence and found items used in the robberies. Cruz was arrested by Bradford County deputies and taken to the Bradford County Jail where he is being held on $200,000 bond.

"The very nature of the actions of this individual potentially could have resulted in injuries or death to an innocent person," Sheriff H.D. 'Gator' DeLoach said.

In Putnam County Cruz committed armed robbery at the Interlachen Dominoes, Palatka Dominoes and Interlachen Fast Track. In the event Cruz is able to make bond in Bradford, he will be transferred to Putnam where he has a $50,000 bond or to Alachua County where he has a $75,000 bond for robbing an adult novelty store on State Road 301.

During a press conference today Sheriff DeLoach was joined by Bradford County Sheriff Gordon Smith and Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook as well as Alachua County Lt. David Tuck, who filled in for Sheriff Sadie Darnell. The joint press conference shows the continued commitment of our agencies in working together because criminals don't adhere to county lines.

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