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Putnam County Sheriff

Early Saturday morning a patrol vehicle was struck while deputies were conducting a traffic stop on a different vehicle. At about 4:20 a.m., three patrol vehicles were parked behind a car on State Road 20 in Interlachen when they observed a black Audi swerve to miss one patrol car, but swerve back and hit a second patrol vehicle. Fortunately no one was hit in the crash. Tashieka Holmes, 44, of Gainesville, the driver of the vehicle did not stop and continued driving toward Palatka. Deputies followed Holmes with lights and sirens in attempt to stop the Audi. As the Audi continued toward Palatka, the vehicle reached speeds of 90 mph while swerving between lanes and off the roadway. When the Audi approached the intersection at Zeagler Drive Holmes began stopping and deputies took the opportunity to box her vehicle in with their patrol cars. Deputies removed Holmes, who wanted to know why they stopped her. Holmes additionally told deputies she was still in Gainesville. While inspecting the Audi, deputies saw extensive front end damage to the vehicle where Holmes presumably hit something prior to striking the patrol car. FHP assumed the investigation into the vehicle crash with the patrol car. Holmes was medically cleared at the hospital. She was arrested and charged by deputies with fleeing and eluding law enforcement with disregard to persons or property. She was additionally charged by FHP for DUI Influence of alcohol or drugs and DUI with property damage. She was taken to the Putnam County Jail and released on $6,000 bond. "We were extremely fortunate that this person did not hit one of our deputies in the course of doing their job, or injured an innocent bystander or motorist," Sheriff H.D. 'Gator' DeLoach said. "Clearly Ms. Holmes was highly impaired in that she did not recognize where she was or what she had done. If this had been at a busier time of day, the results of her actions could have been catastrophic."



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