The Jail has contracted with Smart Communications to install Kiosks/Portable Kiosks in all housing units and will be available to inmates for outside and internal communications.
Video Visitation is a service provided for family and friends to visit an inmate currently housed at the Putnam County Jail
Remote Video Visitation
Family and friends can visit from the comfort of your home using a personal computer. You must set up an account by logging onto Smart Jail Mail prior to initiating a visit. You may attempt to conduct a visit any time during visitation hours. Visits are 15 or 30 minutes in duration, and cost .10 per minute.
Video on Demand (Inmate Initiated)
Inmates at the Jail can schedule a video visitation session with family and friends. Calls must be answered within a 3 minute window at the receiving end.
Visitation Rules
All visits will be monitored and recorded.
The director of corrections or designee may deny visitation to an inmate or visitor to maintain the safety, security or good order of the facility.
All minor children, age 17 and under, will be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times. Minor children will not be left unattended on the premises while an adult visits.
No sharing of visits between inmates is allowed. Sharing a visit with another inmate will result in termination of the visit and possible visitation suspension.
The behavior of visitors and inmates will be closely monitored. Loud speech, boisterousness, obscene behavior or language will not be tolerated and may result in termination of visit.
Visitation may be terminated at any time at the discretion of sheriff’s office staff.
Visitors suspected of being under the influence will have visitation terminated.
No see through or revealing clothing.
No visible underwear.
Remote video visitation and on demand visitation
7 days a week - 8 a.m. - 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Make sure not to schedule visits during the times Inmate Workers are working. The inmate is responsible for letting you know these times.
Family and friends are encouraged to communicate with their loved ones incarcerated at the jail. The mail is a good resource for maintaining that line of communication.
The Putnam County Jail has contracted with Smart Communications to install Kiosks/Portable Kiosks in all housing units and will be available to inmates for outside and internal communications.
To maintain security and safety of the inmates and staff, all inmate mail MUST be sent to the following address:
Smart Communications / Putnam County
Inmate First Name Inmate Last Name Inmate ID #
(John Smith #123456 example inmate)
PO Box 9151
Seminole, FL 33775-9151
The Inmate Name and ID Number must be clearly PRINTED on the outside of the envelope or postcard, to ensure the mail is posted to the correct account. Mail not containing the inmate ID Number and the Name will be “Returned to Sender”
All regular inmate postal mail (Postcards, Letters, Greeting Cards, etc.) will be scanned into the system and available to the inmates to view their postal mail via the inmate Kiosks/Portable Kiosks.
Please be advised that when you mail an item, the original document will be destroyed. Concerning important documents like marriage certificates, birth certificates, social security cards and pictures, please do not mail original documents. You should only mail copies of these documents or pictures that you do not need returned. These will be scanned into the electronic system and destroyed after 30 days.
Upon release inmates can login to the public website at: https://www.smartjailmail.com/ and enter their inmate number and password and download their photos, messages, and postal mail for FREE up to 30 days.
Incoming and outgoing mail will not be rejected based on its contents, unless the mail falls under one of the following criteria:
Any photos depicting gang symbols/signs, nudity, lewd behavior
Any material which contains codes, blackmail, extortion, contraband, threats, or information about another inmate
Any material which contains plans of criminal activities, maps, or plots to escape, and any material which communicates information designed to encourage inmates to disrupt the jail by strikes, riots, fights, racial or religious hatred, or other prohibited acts
Any publication which may adversely affect the security of the jail or the safety of the persons therein
Publications which advocate the violent overthrow of the government of the United States or of a state, or which advocate violence or rebellion against government authority, under which the inmate is held
Any publication which may adversely affect the security of the jail or the safety of the persons therein
Inmate to inmate correspondence within the facility or through outside channels is prohibited
Any violation of the above will result in the suspension and/or termination of the registered users account
Contraband items discovered in an inmate’s mail will be seized. Both the inmate and the sender will be notified of any item which has been seized and the reason for the seizure.
Effective December 1, 2021, all legal correspondence shall be mailed to the following address:
Inmate First Name Inmate Last Name Inmate ID #
(John Smith #123456 example inmate)
130 Orie Griffin Blvd., Palatka, FL 32177
Legal mail from an inmate’s attorney on record shall be clearly identifiable and marked appropriately as legal mail. All legal mail will be opened in the presence of the inmate and scanned into the inmate’s legal mail account.
There is no fee for money orders deposited into the inmate's account. Money orders can be hand-delivered to the lobby of the Corrections Division.
The fee for utilizing the money kiosk in the lobby of the jail is $1 for cash. Video visitation only accepts debit or credit.
The fee for utilizing the website,
is on a scale. The Scale is as follows:
$0.00 - $25.00 $3.25 + 3.0000%
$25.01 - $100.00 $4.50 + 3.0000%
$100.01 - $200.00 $6.00 + 3.0000%
$200.01 and up $7.50 + 3.0000%
Care packages can be ordered from the site below:
All persons processed or registered by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office detention facility will be charged fees to offset the cost of their incarceration. These fees could include a booking fee, a housing fee, medical fees and/or fees for incidental charges (such as destruction of county property). These fees and all other fees incurred are payable immediately upon release via cash, money order, or certified check, for the exact amount. If you are unable to pay upon release or registration, your account will be furnished for billing and payment processing (additional fees apply).
The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office has contracted with Advent Financial Systems (Pay My Jailer) to provide this billing service and also to provide several convenient options to pay outstanding balances. If your fees are unpaid 14 days after release, you will receive a billing notice in the mail from Advent Financial Systems, Elizabethtown, KY. Payment can be made at https://www.payafee.net website.
The Putnam County Jail contracts inmate medical services through GENESYS Health Alliance which serves multiple counties in Georgia and Florida. GENESYS Health Alliance has served correctional institutes with more than 25 years of experience. They provide 24-hour medical coverage at the Putnam County Jail. The link to their public website is www.genesyshealth.net/
How to Provide Important Medical Information:
Do you have important medical information about a loved one or friend in our jail? Our medical staff works hard to ensure inmates receive proper medical and mental health care. Please email inmatefamily@putnamsheriff.org to contact our medical staff with information on prescription medications, primary care physician, allergies, mental health diagnosis or other.
AA/NA Classes – Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous meetings every weekend
(Sundays 9:30 AM.)
Celebrate Recovery Program – Religious based substance abuse program that uses religion to help reach individuals suffering from addiction.
Bible Study Program – Religious Services meetings (Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 PM.)
Church Program – Church on Saturday mornings 10:00 AM.
Re-entry Program – Providing re-entry resources for Inmates coming out of the jail/prison system. Help to find jobs, clothes, food and help with state programs. (Wednesdays all day)
GED Program – Help for qualified Inmates obtaining their GED diploma (Person must be under 21 years of age and sentenced to at least three months to county jail time.)
Mental Health Program – Teaching Inmates life skills and coping skills in regards to mental health. Also, creating working relationships with individuals who may need services when released. (Wednesdays 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM)
Parenting Program – Teaching methods and processes to positive parenting along with other like skills. A Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare program.
Batterers Intervention Program – Discusses methods of anger management and other life skills. A Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare program.
Substance Abuse Program– Utilizes many tools and methods to assist the getting Inmates the assistance they need to combat substance abuse. A Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare program.
Our Customer Care Call Center is open 7 days a week from 7:00am to 12:00 Midnight EST and can be reached toll free at 888.843.1972. Our friendly, knowledgeable, U.S. based Customer Care representatives are prepared to assist you:
Create an account
Deposit funds into an account
Communication service questions and rates
Billing and refund questions